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What's Otoplasty?

The problem of prominent ears is a common problem all over the world. You can get rid of this problem with a very short and simple operation. The number of people who have ear aesthetics is increasing every year. Deformities in the ear usually do not affect its function. For this reason, ear aesthetics surgery is performed due to aesthetic concerns. This problem, which is a common problem for women and men, significantly affects the appearance. People do not tie their hair up because of the shape of their ears, cannot make radical changes in their image, and in some cases, they may even hesitate to swim. It has a great effect on social life.

With the advancement of technology, surgery can be performed with the help of easy and practical techniques. The problem of prominent ears bothers people. It creates a lack of self-confidence and negatively affects their social life. This problem, which turns into a psychological problem and affects daily life, should be eliminated. The anatomical structure of the ear is completed by the time the child reaches the age of six. Therefore, the existence of this problem can be understood during childhood. People of all ages who are uncomfortable with the shape of their ears can have this surgery. The decision for surgery is made after being examined by the doctor.
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How Surgery Performed?

The operation can be performed under local and general anesthesia. The specialist doctor decides on the anesthesia method by considering the patient's age and general health condition. During the operation, the doctor decides from which angle to intervene in the ear. After the location is determined, a piece of skin is removed. The areas where the ear will be attached are determined and marked. The operation time may increase in direct relation to the problem. It is usually completed in a period of 90 minutes. Deformities in the ear cartilage are corrected and the cartilage is given its new shape.

Ear aesthetics is a surgical procedure. Therefore, it should be performed under sterile conditions. In our country, the age for prominent ear surgery is determined as 18-30 years old. However, this operation can be performed during childhood with the approval of the families. Families must closely follow the child's development. What is experienced during childhood shapes life psychologically and physiologically.
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It is important to pay attention to the golden ratio in the new nose shape for natural nose aesthetics. While the nose is being evaluated, its harmony within itself is taken into consideration, and it should also have a ratio that will adapt to the person's face shape. Simulation Nose aesthetics studies are carried out for this. Thanks to the examination and simulation of the photographs taken in professional photo studios with simulation programs, your anxious questions such as 'Will the nose look natural after nose aesthetics?' will come to an end. You can see how the type of aesthetics you are considering will look in the images prepared with simulation technology. In this way, you will get closer to the image you want.

As a result, the simulations show you what kind of operation will be performed on your nose and you will reach your ideal nose structure. You make the necessary interventions with your nose aesthetic surgeon. Thus, the anxiety about your appearance after nose surgery, which is one of the biggest problems of nose aesthetics for people, ends.

Cause of Otoplasty Surgery

The reasons for ear aesthetics can be congenital or develop later. There is a large distance between the bone behind the ear and the cartilage, the cartilage is looser than its normal structure, the fold at the top is not sufficiently formed and the auricle looks flat, a part of the ear is missing due to birth or traumas experienced later, its appearance looks like wrinkled paper, there are obvious ear deformities and a pointed ear shape.

Ear aesthetics can be performed for these reasons we have listed. The shape of the ear definitely does not affect the hearing function. The most important reason is the increase in the angle between the ear and the head. The larger this angle is, the more it bothers people. The appearance and shape of the ear looks different depending on the angle from which it is viewed. Ear deformities are generally genetic. The risk of occurrence is high in people with these problems in their family.

Will There Be Any Scars After Protruding Ear Aesthetics?

After ear aesthetics, there are scars in the area between the ear and the head. Since these scars are placed towards the base of the ear, they are not visible when viewed from the back of the head. However, if the ear is bent towards the cheek, the scars can be seen. One year after the operation, the scars gradually fade and are not visible. The size of the scars also varies according to the experience of the surgeon.

The scars formed after the surgery also vary according to the method of the surgery. The surgery, which is performed by pulling the earlobe back and stitching it in this way, does not bother the person. You can have wound care for the surgical scars after the surgery.

During Otoplasty Surgery

Step 1: Before Surgery
Since smoking negatively affects wound healing, it is recommended to quit smoking if possible before Otoplasty surgery. Again, it is important to completely stop herbal mixtures (teas, additives, etc.) before surgery as they can increase the risk of bleeding. Those who use regular blood thinners should also change and stop the medication under the supervision of a doctor.

Step 2: Discharge
The discharge period is determined according to the type of anesthesia used in the surgery. Since Otoplasty is performed under general anesthesia unless necessary, it is recommended to stay in the hospital for 1 night. Discharge procedures are started after the doctor's control.

Step 3: 1st Night After Surgery
The First Night After Surgery As we mentioned above, Ear Aesthetics surgery is a simple surgery. It is easy but it is surgery after all. It is not a painful surgery. There may be some tenderness on the first night. This is a natural situation. If the anesthesia used is general anesthesia, the first night after surgery will be spent in the hospital. If local anesthesia was applied, the first night will be spent at home. In case of pain or tenderness, the medications given by your doctor will be sufficient.

Step 4: Day 7 After Surgery
A check-up is performed on the 7th or 14th day after the Otoplasty surgery, depending on the procedure performed.
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